Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Physical Fitness

Just a couple thoughts on fitness, to start my blogging back up again. If you like it, spread the word, let's get more readers...

I spend a lot of time traveling, living out of hotel (or smaller) rooms. Thus, I tend to favor workout routines that take little space and/or equipment.

Below are some of the routines I have used over the last  15 or 20 years, for varying lengths of time. Remember, variety can be the spice of life - shake up your normal routine every so often and expand your comfort zones.

Combat Conditioning (ala Matt Furey)

Consisting of a core of three exercises (Hindu Squats, Hindu pushups, Bridging) and with multiple variations on the theme, this fits the requirements of no equipment and little space. It can be done by building the reps of each exercise (one set each), or doing multiple sets in a circuit.

Mr. Furey started his 'empire' on this basic course, and expanded into martial arts, exercise and mind/personal development videos.

The only drawback with Combat Conditioning is the lack of variety in the basic workout - do this for a month and it will be hard to keep motivation up.

TacFit (Scott Sonnon and rmaxinternational)

Coach Sonnon provides a wide variety of exercise programs, under his TacFit umbrella. His products seem to be evolving, from simple FlowFit to TacFit 26 (sorry if the terms are not 100% correct). With a wide variety of exercise modalities, the boredom factor is much harder to come by.

My favorite program is TacFit Commando - at the time, a huge offering of supplementary videos and books, covering nutrition, recovery, the exercises, etc. His basic TF Commando routine (and much of the other items) is based on a 4 day mini-wave, done for 7 sessions. For the math geniuses - it's pretty much a month per session. TF Commando has 3 levels, and 3 levels per level - totaling 9 months of workouts. Recovery (mobility and yoga-ish routines) are incorporated, which is helpful as we age and do not recover as quickly as we used to.

Subscribe to his newsletter (rmaxinternational.com) - his company offers deals around holidays, and at random times - a good way to get the material at substantial savings.

Convict Conditioning (ala Paul Wade)

A newcomer to the scene, Mr. Wade has brought 6 basic exercises and challenges people to do them as strength exercises - strict form, relatively low repetitions (and done slowly) and time for recovery. He offers a variety of routines (a daily routine, 3x weekly rotuine, etc.) and leaves it up to you to do the hard work.

There is a tendency with Convict Conditioning to jump ahead of the progressions (I can do the basic pushup - why regress to a wall push?). In my opinion, this would be a mistake - use the progressions to develop the perfect technique, which will make all the difference later on in your efforts.


In the past, I often combined parts of fitness routines (yoga on some days, cardio on others, strength (pullups, calistehnics) interspersed, along with martial arts workouts). This is what the TacFit folks call 'cocktailing' and really doesn't allow for a good recovery phase - something that being young I didn't need (unlike now).

I am currently doing TacFit again (3rd time) - with the addition of some yoga in the mornings. I have also added the Mobility and Recovery portions of TacFit ROPE to the Mobility and Recovery days of TF Commando (bumping those workouts to about 30 minutes per day).

My only gripe about the above exercise routines is the hype and advertising that go into them. I understand it, gotta attract attention and all that. Just goes against my grain to advertise with hyperbole. Probably why I am a struggling entrepeneur?

Any exercise is good - get off the couch. Limit your internet time to my blogs, and get moving. Comments always welcome.

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